It may seem early to start thinking about life after lockdown but having a plan for how you are going to address any compliance requirements that have built up will give you more of a sense of control while we are still in the thick of it.
As we all adapt to working under the new conditions, we need to do our best to maintain focus on delivering our compliance requirements. While many organisations have seen an incredibly impressive switch to operating under the new requirements, it is only natural that some areas will be left with some work to do after we are out of lockdown. Any shortfall will need to be addressed in a timely fashion. Follow the 4 steps below to make the remediation management a smoother experience for your organisation.
Step 1 – Conduct a risk-based review to identify any shortfalls
Ensure you have a clear picture of what needs to be addressed
Remember to include risk reviews for work undertaken outside normal procedures
Step 2 – Prioritise outstanding tasks by severity
Is there a regulatory deadline that must be achieved?
Does it have an impact on your customers?
Will any further delay exacerbate the issue?
Step 3 – Consider timing and resources
Do any of the tasks have dependencies on others?
Determine which tasks will achieve stabilisation quickest
Do you have enough resources to deal with any required remediation and while supporting ongoing requirements?
Do you have appropriate oversight in place to manage the additional workload?
Step 4 – Devise and implement a remediation plan
Once all the steps above are completed you will be able to devise a plan to address any requirements that have built up during the lock down. Having a clear view of the regulatory obligations, what will make the quickest impact on the high priority issues and a clear idea of the resources available will enable a speedy return to normality.